
Please consider supporting Pathfinders in the Marketplace using one of the following methods:

Online Credit Card Donation – Both Monthly and One-Time

Donate Now Through! Monthly and One-Time Donations by Credit Card are accepted through the Canada Helps website.

Please write Pathfinders in the Marketplace in the Message/Instructions field.

Simply CLICK HERE and follow the online instructions.


Pre-Authorized Monthly Donation

Many contribute monthly with an easily arranged withdrawal from your bank (via a void cheque).

CLICK HERE to download the PDF form. Please mail the completed form to us at:

Pathfinders in the Marketplace
111 Waterloo Street
London Ontario
N6B 2M4

Cancellation form: CLICK HERE

You can contact for further information.

Donation with a Cheque

You can send a cheque to:

Pathfinders in the Marketplace
111 Waterloo Street
London Ontario
N6B 2M4

Pathfinders in the Marketplace will issue charitable tax receipts after the end of the calendar year.